Anna Sofia Lunóm






Anna Sofia Lunóm

annasofia (at) kantiwellness.se

070-792 77 87


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Hitta din kraft & nå ditt mål – workshop

“Jag känner mig så glad att få ha gått workshopen. Jag är övertygad om att nå mina mål tack vare det vi gjort och de verktyg vi fått. Jag känner att Anna Sofia är genuint intresserad av att hjälpa mig i min väg mot mitt mål.”

“Anna Sofia balanserar i sin workshop ett stort tankearbete tillsammans med en avslappnad kreativitet och skapar ett rum där du möter dig själv och de andra i gränslös kärlek.”

“Den holistiska blandningen ger dimension till förändring.”

“A S L tar dig på en begriplig resa ger dig flera ovärderliga metoder och verktyg att visualisera i bilder och manifestera dina drömmar och se ditt mål. A S L fyller på din energi och med sin vackra inkänningsförmåga bidrar hon till att du blir en helare medmänniska.”

Enskilda sessioner

“Min man hade varit utbränd under en längre tid och vi hade fastnat i en ond cirkel där jag var den desperata hjälparen och han var offret. Ju längre tiden gick så blev cirkusen bara värre, ju mer jag hjälpte desto värre blev han. Det ultimata offret. Jag trodde ju att jag gjorde honom gott i och med att jag tänkte för honom och försökte skydda honom från allt som jag trodde kunde påverka honom negativt i sin utmattning. Jag mådde också sämre och sämre då jag tog på mig hans känslor och problem.

För barnen hade jag inte mycket tålamod. Men så en dag hade jag en coaching session med Kanti. Jag trodde verkligen inte att det skulle göra någon direkt skillnad men det var enormt effektivt och klarsynt. Det var ett tag sedan så jag kommer inte riktigt ihåg hur vi gjorde det. Jag vet bara att från dagen efter så var jag helt annorlunda med min man. Han märkte det också och sa att han tyckte allt var mycket mer avslappnat och att han inte kände någon press i relationen.

Jag kunde behålla min kraft för barnen och mig och stödja min man fullt ut utan att ta på mig hans liv. Sessionen har förbättrat vårat liv avsevärt, trots att det bara var en gång (jag bor inte i Sverige så jag har inte så många tilfällen) så fungerar det som en ringklocka, så fort jag trampar snett och är tillbaka i mina gamla spår så är det något som vaknar till liv inom mig och får mig att tänka om.
Jag rekommenderar starkt Kanti som coach, aldrig hade jag trott att en timma med någon kunde göra en sådan skillnad i mitt liv.”
Vinkonsult, Antibes, France

“It is a great and beautiful thing to meet Kanti. At that time my situation felt quite hopeless. I felt so depressed and I was looking for someone and some words to guide me or lead me. And I found Kanti! She is just like an angel that God sent to me just in time. It is really amazing what she told to me about meditation and how to stay with my fear and hopelessness. Her voice was just like an angel talking to me. She guided me to understand that I am allowed to have all my emotions. When I listened to her voice I could feel my heart becoming soft and peaceful. She also showed me what is mind talking and what is reality. After that something changed in my heart. I am stronger and able to stay with my pain and without judging myself. It is a great thing and I am sooooo happy to have met her in my life.”
-Vivi Bian, Webdesigner, Taiwan.

“To me counselling was always a dirty word, I would never “wash my dirty linen openly”, let alone go to a marriage guidance counsellor, “I’m not that weak that I can’t save my marriage without help” was my motto.
Everything changed after I got to know Kanti a little. I really felt safe and secure; she certainly has an abundance of empathy and understanding. A clear and comforting path opened up before me.
After just one session, the very next day my relationship problem changed dramatically in a positive way, I could actually converse again after so many months of stubborn silence.
Kanti is the best thing that has happened to me in a very long time, for me she’s the best since sliced bread!”

“I got wellness counseling and it was the best technique for coaching that I’ve ever been exposed to. Kanti was very patient, empathic, calm and clear during the whole session. It was very easy with this technique to find a good solution for my problem. I liked it a lot and would recommend it to anyone that’s searching for a solution to a problem. I believe it would work with any type of problem (personal as well as professional).”
-Karin Mårtensson Stjerndahl, M.Sc. in Biology and Aquatic and Environmental Engineering, Sweden.

“I felt so comfortable working with Kanti on some issues that have been obstacles in my life for some time. My session with Kanti motivated me to take action after months of indecision.”
-Rebecca Cheema, Ed.D, University of Hawaii, Hawaii.

“Kanti is a caring, patient, and accepting counsellor. She penetrates deep into your psyche to help you tap into higher consciousness. She is a natural teacher with a kack for getting to core issues. I highly recommend her!”
-Sunny Massad, Ph.D, Originator of UnTherapy®, Hawaii.

“I thought it left me SO empowered and I was much more clear about what I needed and how to do what needed to be done to achieve that. My life has definitely changed for the better. I feel very much more aware of what’s important to me and I feel very focused on starting to become who I really want to be (smoke-free, fit and loving my self!) I think its a really good way of putting one into the right energy and to make “unblurry” what steps that need to be taken to get what one wants. I definitely want to do more sessions!”
-Mira Vallbom, Living workshop educationalist, Sweden.

“The session helped me to figure out what feelings is behind my blocks. I got a kick in the back to take action on my problem. I would like to do more sessions whenever I feel a need. You are good. You managed to stay focused though we got on sidetracks. I have trust in you.”
-Tina Söderqvist, Preschool manager and masseur, Sweden/Bermuda.

“My life-coaching session with Kanti was hugely beneficial, really helping me to focus on what is important in my life. I had been looking for ways to make changes in my life for sometime and meeting Kanti helped me establish some priorities and create ways to initiate those changes. I really appreciate her positive and genuine approach, plus her ongoing support via e-mail is invaluable. I’d recommend sessions with Kanti to anyone looking to see positive change in their life”.
– Rachel Poulter, Channel manager, New Zealand.


“I took to Kanti as soon as I saw her, she has a very fine soothing voice; straight away I felt very comfortable with her.
Although I never had the opportunity to practice yoga before, and therefore have no comparison… I must say I have not one negative opinion to voice about her.
As far as I’m concerned, it was one hundred percent for me. I find Kanti to be a very good yoga teacher.”
-Dagmar, Lech, Austria

“Doing yoga the “Kanti Way” has brought some very fine and positive alterations into my life, both mentally and physically; it has also to a certain degree enhanced my spiritual path in that I now strive to be more in harmony with my inner self during and after these sessions.
Kanti is a wonderfully empathic and competent yoga instructor, always aiming to encourage and perfect our positions.
I myself could attend her classes seven days a week.
She has just the right touch to push one that little step further each time, all these small but so important nudges make the difference from just “doing a session” to guiding one professionally and fun lovingly along our paths. Kanti – I thank you!”
Shirley, Lech, Austria

I am so sorry I could not visit your great lessons more often, but I really enjoyed it. At the beginning I was stiff and I had problems to concentrate on my body. The exercises are really nice, also in the way you teach it to us. What I really want to say is that you should do 1,5 hours and not only 1 hours lessons. It was a pleasure for me to meet you and thanks for all what you’ve done for me.
Angelica, Lech, Austria

“I always wanted to try out yoga and so it happened that I joined the course given by Kanti in the Hotel Kristberg in Lech.
The first lesson was quite hard to remember the breathing and doing the exercises at the same time, but every lesson practising the ashtanga yoga I got better and I felt a big difference to my body. Kanti is a very good teacher, she explained it clearly and was very patient, when she had to repete things again and again.
Everyone could feel that her teaching was grown through a lot of experience and her teaching comes deep from her heart. I can highly recommend her!
It’s very sad, that her course doesn’t continue and hopefully she will be back next winter. In the meantime I wish her all the best.”
Elisabeth Nigsch, Lech, Austria

“Before I went to your lessons, I didn’t even know what yoga is. Now, I need to do it. You’ve been such a good teacher, for everything! Thank you for given me a kick in my ass to do so. Hi hi. So hope we keep in touch and see us next year for more yoga lessons.” Love Tanya, Lech, Austria

“I attended this winter my first Yoga course, to be more precise my first Ashtanga Yoga course in Lech at the Hotel Kristberg. My teacher was Kanti. She was very patient and precise. When we had difficulties she explained us how to get to the aim.
She has a beautiful aura, which gives a lot of good energy. I think I really maid great steeps with Yoga with her help. She knows exactly until where she can push her students and checks all the time precisely that the position is correct. At the end of the course Kanti gave us here wellness tips with various health tips, a real good information, it must have been a lot of work. I really wish that Kanti comes next winter back to Lech, in order to continue our course. Kanti, whish you all the best. “Irmgard, Lech, Austria